GHS Cross Country needs Bike Lead and Sweep for Wed, Oct 11th.

6 Oct 2023 by Jesse Swift

The GHS Cross Country team is looking for 4-8 fast bike riders who can lead/sweep their running League Championship race at the NAC on Wednesday, October 11th.
The course is only 5k, but we will have 8 total races that day. I don’t know that it will be a big deal for bike riders, but there is one hill that we need to be sure we’re ahead of the runners on. The Varsity boy leaders will likely be running around 17 minutes for the 5k, so a pretty decent clip on foot, but not necessarily tough on a bike.
They need volunteers the NAAC by 1:15pm as the races start at 2pm. Arrive early so you can do a loop of the course and be ready to go.
Of course, we will excuse you from your afternoon classes.
If interested, please email Coach Jen Byrne at

Thank you,
Coach Jesse Swift

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