Max Behm and Micah France - This weeks SHREDDERS!

30 Aug by Jesse Swift

Max Behm and Micah France are this weeks recipients of the SHRED awards!
Last week in the race in Frisco, Max heard one of his team mates missed a water bottle hand off. In the middle of the race, Max surged forward to hand his teammate his own water bottle! This was amazing because he helped a teammate in need instead of trying to use it to his advantage! All the while, Max still finished 4th in his race! Way to go Max for helping a team out!!
Micah’s coach had many great things to say about him! First, he treats all his groupmates with respect and can tell the other kids like talking to Micah. His coach also said Micah gives his MAXIMUM EFFORT at practice and tries his hardest on challenging climbs. His coach said his saw Micah try a super techy section and Micha pedaled hard was successful! Keep up the kindness and hard work Micah!
Max and Micah, please come to my classroom 231 and receive a cash gift and you choice of small bike gifts!
GHS MTB riders, make sure you get our there and SHRED on this long weekend!
- Coach Jesse

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