Race #3 - Eagle, Haymaker Classic - Volunteers Needed!

13 Sep by Grace Harcek

A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered at the tent, throughout the race venue, and/or to bring food to the tent at the Steamboat race!  It was another great event!

We are one week away from race 3 in Eagle.   As always, we have an awesome team tent where riders, their families and guests, and coaches can hang out, relax, recover and eat.

Here are some important ways that you can help support our riders, build community, and be part of a fun and rewarding experience during race weekend. To make sure we have sufficient coverage and even distribution, we ask that each family, please:

1) Contribute at least 1 food item for the GHS team tent at each race attended. Let’s support our riders by making sure they have adequate nutrition throughout race day, which is critical for athletic performance. The GHS team tent and food is not only for our student athletes, but also for their families, guests, and coaches. Please sign up to bring a food item HERE: https://signup.com/go/ZOKMRTg

2) Sign up for at least one GHS team tent volunteer position for every 2 races attended during the season. At each race, we need at least 40 people to help in various ways, such as GHS MTB Team Tent setup, leading warm up rides, working the feed zone, preparing/cooking and setting out food. Please sign up for a slot HERE: https://signup.com/go/ZOKMRTg

3) Sign up for at least 1 CO League volunteer position for each race you attend during the season. Even student athletes can volunteer at the race venue while they are not racing. It truly takes “a village” (or many villages) for the CO League to put on quality youth mountain bike races and support the 18 teams, nearly 400 riders, and hundreds of spectators. Race days are not possible without amazing volunteers. There are still volunteer spots available for the upcoming race. Course marshals are always needed, and this is a great way to get a front row seat to the action!  Please sign up today  Race 3 Eagle (Yampa & Platte) — Signup Sheet | SignUp.com
A description of the various volunteer positions is found here: Volunteer Descriptions
4)  Participate in the weekend contest:  It’s a Neon Party. Everyone is encouraged to dress and decorate their pit in neon color.  The most creative team with high participation is recognized during the Awards Ceremony.

Thanks again for being part of this amazing community and supporting our team!

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